Fix par 3 mistakes

Many golfers fall short of par 3 greens because they select a club based on a perfect shot. But perfect shots are rare.

What matters more; hitting a good spot on the green or the number club you took to hit it?

There are four distances you should consider on each par 3. The distance to the front edge, back edge and middle of the green, and how far you hit each club in your bag.

Knowing these numbers and considering the size of the green makes it easier to select the best club for the shot.

Never hit a hard number to reach the front edge of the green. Because if you don’t get all of it, you will land short. If a perfect strike with a specific club gets you to the back edge of the green, that’s a better option. Your swing should stay more or less consistent. It’s the club that really adds or reduces the required distance.

Swing improvement takes time, but good strategy brings immediate results. We’ll help you make better decisions on the golf course that will put you into more scoring positions.